You found the number

Mode Easy Hard

Easy: the number has 4 digits from 0 to 7.
Hard: the number has 4 digits from 0 to 9.

Allow repited digits Yes No

The secret number has never repited digits. If you activate this option you do can write numbers with repited digits. If you write 444 and 4 is in the secret number then the program will display 1 bull and 2 cows. If not, you'll get 0 bulls and 0 cows.




Cows 🐄 and Bulls

I've thought a {{nC}} digits number. Can you find it?

Every digits appear only once.

{{indice + 1}} {{resultado[0]}} {{resultado[1][0]}} {{resultado[1][1]}}
Let's start.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Pigs and Bulls 🐄

Bulls and Cows, also known as Pigs and Bulls or Mastermind, its comercial version, is a paper and pencil game of logical deduction for two or more players. There is also an computer version of the game called 4digits.

I was taught it when I was little and I used to play it with my cousin Álvaro countless times. It seemed exciting to me; we didn't have much else to do. At that time there was a thing called "endless afternoon in the field". However, there were no mobile phones.

Shorts rules 🐄

The device thinks of a three or four digit number (you can change it in options). You have to find it. Every time you say a number, the device tells you how many bulls and how many cows your attempt has.

An example: you write 1234. The device compares it with the hidden number, the number that you do not know and you have to guess, suppose it is 1249. Then it answers that there are 2 dead and 1 injured. The dead are 1 and 2. The wounded is 4. But you don't know this. You only know that your number has 2 well placed digits and one more that is not in its place. You also know that one of your figures is not in the hidden number. Now give it another try.

Guessing the number in 7 tries is considered a good mark. Most people need 10 tries or more.